The Sky Run Challenge 2
"In 2021, I will become the first person in the world to run through the sky with the goal of helping 10,000 children go to school with Right To Play"
We are happy to announce that Josh Stinton – The Charity Adventurer will be raising funds and awareness for Right To Play in his next crazy challenge that will benefit 10 000 children in our programs. Help him reach his goal by donate via Vipps to number 623265 or by card

Every child has the right to education, yet 262 million children and youths are not attending school. 6 out of 10 children in the world can not read and in Ethiopia 47% of the girls quit school before 5th grade. And with the ongoing pandemic these numbers are increasing drastically.
"Knowing the importance of education for every child and the innovative tools Right To Play use to enroll the most vulnerable children in school and to keep them there until they to finish their education really made me want to contribute. For only NOK 250 a child can get protection, education and empowerment in Right To Plays programs for one year", says Josh.
Join the challenge today - donate via Vipps #623265 or with card here

One of Josh´s goals in life is helping as many charities help as many children while he is alive, and by doing so he takes on extraordinary challenges. And this time there will be a challenge the world never has seen before! Running through the sky in a special construction made for this very purpose, Josh aims to raise founds to ensure enrollment of 10 000 children in our programs (all donations goes directly to Right To Play). Follow Josh´s journey at @joshstinton on Instagram and YouTube.
For years, Josh Stinton has been taking on the hardest physical challenges around the world in which he has little or no experience, and asks “why not?”. His efforts so far have gained him global attention and the tile of ‘the charity adventurer’, and he’s just getting started. Often portrayed in the media as a crazy guy doing crazy things, Josh’s reason for his adventures are for two reasons:
- Helping as many charities help as many children while he’s alive.
- Showing the world that anything is possible.

Josh’s ridiculous adventures include:
- Cycling across the Atlantic Ocean (Gran Canaria to St. Lucia)
- Crossing the entire length of Japan using only his arms (handcycling)
- Representing Australia in the world’s largest downhill unicycle race (yes, downhill mountain-biking on one wheel)
- The world’s hardest mountain bike race in the Arctic
- He even skied across Sweden in the 90km Vasaloppet ski race (despite having never hit the slopes in his life and training only on roller skis along Sydney’s Manly Beach esplanade).
In order for the children to claim their rights, contribute to sustainable development, change dangerous traditions and prevent diseases, education is the most important thing we can give them. That is why Right To Play every day work with local authorities, teachers and partners to reach and identify the most vulnerable children and their families so that they choose school over child labor and child marriage. And the tool we use is play!
Right To Play is a global organization that protects, educates and empowers children to rise above the effects of poverty, war and disease. We work with children in some of the most difficult and dangerous places on earth, helping them to stay in school and graduate, to resist exploitation and overcome prejudice, to prevent diseases like HIV and malaria and to heal from the harsh realities of war and abuse. Pioneers in a unique play-based approach to learning, we use play in all its forms -- sport, games, music, art and theatre -- to teach children the skills they need to create better futures for themselves, their families and their communities. Right To Play reaches 2.35 million children each year in 15 countries around the world.