It’s not just a seat. It’s a brighter future.
Millions of girls face a bleak present in which they cannot claim their right to an education or the brighter future it will bring them. Forces beyond their control conspire to limit their dreams and their futures.
But girls want a brighter future, and they are doing their best to claim it in the face of these incredible challenges. We need to act now and support them. You can start with a seat.
You can help girls claim their right to an education and the dreams it will make possible. How do you want to help girls grasp a brighter, more colourful future?
When a girl can pursue her dreams…
Find out how girls are rising up to create a better world for themselves and their peers by pursuing an education.
Eloisa loves reading. When schools in Mozambique closed, she volunteered to lead a reading club that helped her fellow students read together. Even after schools reopened, Eloisa’s club was so much fun for the students that they keep on coming to practice reading together.
Anitha had to drop out of school due to poverty. She was trapped in dangerous work chopping and selling sugarcane. But thanks to the right support, she returned to become a star pupil who helps other children avoid child labor.