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From Struggle and Survival to Success for Refugee Children

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You can change their story

For 33 million children around the world fleeing war, natural disasters, famines, or epidemics, everyday acts of childhood like packing a backpack or running outside are instead acts of survival and struggle.

Many flee one crisis only to find themselves stuck in another, living in refugee camps, informal settlements, or temporary shelters where basic necessities like clean drinking water, nutritious food, and adequate housing are scarce. Without friends, family, and school supports to rely on, their mental health and education suffer. The pandemic makes the situation even worse.

For many of these children, the struggle to survive costs them their futures: There are more refugee children with anxiety disorders (27%) than are going to secondary school (24%). You can help change their stories.

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From Struggle to Success

Each year, we support 200,000 refugee and displaced children in more than 92 refugee camps, shelters, and settlements around the world. We fight to change their stories from ones of grief and loss to ones of hope.

We fight to give them back their education, creating classrooms that are fun, playful, and welcoming. We fight to help them overcome trauma by teaching them how to cope with difficult emotions, and help their friends do the same. And we fight to give them back their dreams, by creating spaces where they can be children again. We fight so their stories can be ones of not just surviving, but succeeding. You can help.

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Changing the Story

We’re helping refugee children and youth change their stories. Find out how they are going from struggle to success.

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Kyaw fled government violence in Myanmar as a child. He struggled with depression and anger but was able to learn how to control his emotions, and is now a community leader who is helping a younger generation to thrive.
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Danielle was orphaned during the Burundian Civil War and grew up in a refugee camp in Tanzania. Now, she has returned home to share her wisdom and experience with refugee children facing the same kinds of challenges she once did.
Read Her Story

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Taha is a Palestinian refugee who grew up with a mobility impairment. He felt helpless and struggled to leave his home in Gaza, but thanks to a psychosocial support program for children with disabilities, he developed the confidence and independence to face the world.
Read His Story

These are just two of the refugees we have helped. Thousands more children are waiting for the chance to change their story from survival to success. Your support can make a difference.