What's New
NYC Marathon Runners Raise Signficant Funds for Right To Play
The 2019 TCS New York City Marathon was a big success for Right To Play USA. With seven participants including former Super Bowl Champion Usama Young and Right To Play Norway National Director Jimmy Vika, the team raised $27,456.74 for the children in our classrooms and playgrounds.
Right To Play's Ultimate Sports Quiz an All-Star Event
Board members, athletes and supporters came together for a night of fun and competition to benefit Right To Play's programs at our Ultimate Sports Quiz on May 9th, 2019.
A Play Day in Mae La Refugee Camp in Thailand
Games Over Guns
There are an estimated 300,000 child soldiers in the world. Today, on World Children's Day, you can #HelpThemRise above violence and conflict.
Help Them Rise
It's a rallying cry, a call to action, an anthem for every child around the world who is rising above adversity. Today is the debut of our brand new "Anthem" video, which tells the story of how children in some of the toughest situations in the world are rising up to demand a better future for themselves and their peers.
A Brand New Look
You might have noticed something a little different about Right To Play recently. That’s right, we have a brand new website, a new logo and a whole new look! It’s a new way to share the stories of the amazing children we work with and the incredible challenges that they are rising above.
Help Them Rise
You can transform a child's life.
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